Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is the point?

Consider! Technology will continue to progress whether you are here or not. Life will flow uninterrupted after you are gone. Whether you are here or not this planet will continue its annual journey. Your existence, or lack thereof, is insignificant in the overall progress of the universe. What then is the point of your existence? What useful purpose does it serve? Your existence in the overall scheme of things is less than insignificant so why are you here? Surely the Creator does not expend effort on wasted projects that serve no purpose and have no meaning.
Reflect! Of all the organisms upon this planet the human species is unique in ways found nowhere else in nature. What other organism displays an oral and written language, an oral and written science, an oral and written arts and crafts, an oral and written philosophy and religion, and an oral and written sense of humor? What other species stopped adapting itself to its surroundings and began adapting its surroundings to its own needs? What other species has developed a sophisticated and highly complex manufacturing industry of synthetic materials that do not occur naturally? It is self-evident that there exists in humankind qualities and attributes that are absent in nature even though it is equally self-evident that the physical body of humankind is a part of nature, hence, humankind possesses qualities that lie outside the realm of nature and operates simultaneously in two separate and distinct worlds--- the world of matter and the world of spirit.
Ponder this! In the world of philosophy there exists two conflicting beliefs as to the existence of an afterlife. It is a simple and very distinct conflict with only two options. There is an afterlife or there is not. There is no in-between in this argument and it is to this mystery that an intelligent mind needs to apply logic and reasoning to determine which side is the more likely.
If there is no afterlife then the whole world of humankind is meaningless. All of our philosophy, science, religions, humanities, and arts, and the remarkable distinctions that separate us from the lower order of animals are, therefore, without purpose, do not reflect any characteristics that are inherently imperishable, unlike the building blocks of all matter that are indestructible, and are unable to reconcile the enigma that the dominant species across the face of the planet should have such an abysmally short life expectancy. The entire human race becomes an exercise in wasted and useless effort. Fundamental law, humanitarian efforts, and social progress do not and cannot address the irresistible onslaught of oblivion which, in a world of science, logic, and reason runs afoul of even the most intellectually challenged mind. The overwhelming weight of both scientific and empirical evidence tips the scales of likelihood in favor of the existence of an afterlife and offers little support for the argument against it if, in fact, there is an argument against it. In other words, what is the point?