Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Eternal Covenant:

A Covenant, by definition, is a solemn agreement or promise between two or more parties. The Covenant between God and humankind is eternal, imperishable and indestructible and does not rely on the behaviour of His creatures whether good or bad inasmuch as He cannot by His nature violate a trust. We may not live up to our side of
this covenant because we are limited and imperfect but God will always maintain and act in accordance with His promise. God’s love and bounty do not discriminate but, rather, are the essence of equity and justice and rain down their nourishing effect upon high and low alike.

The Covenant between God’s Prophet and Messenger, on the other hand is temporary, that is to say, it begins with His Messenger’s appearance upon the horizon of humankind and terminates upon the appearance of His Successor Who has the Authority and Mission to minister to the needs of the age in which He appears and to supplant, abrogate, alter, dismiss, or re-establish any or all of the dictates of His Predecessor. Each new Manifestation of God refurbishes, revitalizes, and spiritually propels the body of humankind forward while at the same time infusing into it a spirit of moral and ethical sacrifice and dedication the example of which in a select few of its martyrs and saints stands as a model for others to follow and to emulate and the effect of which lifts humankind out of the mire of corruption and perversion into which it has descended and enables it to gradually rise toward the destiny for which it was created.

God has, through His human Manifestations, a gradually progressive series of human Emissaries carrying His Message to His creatures, assured those creatures that He will never leave them comfortless either in this world or in any of the worlds to come. This is the Eternal Covenant that has no boundaries or limitations and which spans an infinite array of worlds yet to be experienced but through which the soul must travel on its unalterable journey towards its Creator. The soul is inextricably bound to its Creator by Will, Purpose, and Intent that no intervention by any outside force can disturb or alter. The Eternal Covenant is equally inherent and expressed in the biblical quotation, “ Let Us make man in our Image and after our Likeness.” It is implicit in this statement that humankind is the recipient potentially both ‘en masse’ and individually of all of the qualities of God, i.e., immortality, indestructibility, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, etc. all of which will become more and more apparent and more and more fully developed as the soul progresses through each world of God and encounters those conditions necessary to the expression of qualities and abilities not as yet manifest but which are inherently possessed.

It is self-evident that there can be no Eternal Covenant unless eternity exists. There can be no Eternal Covenant unless God exists and there can be no Eternal Covenant unless humankind exists. It is implicit in this trinity that an Eternal Covenant exists even if Its length, breadth, and duration cannot be fully grasped in any individual lifetime. We know It exists because of the evidence that attests to and derives from Its existence. Eternity is a very long time and the most generous duration of the physical body is dwarfed and diminished by comparison and stands in stark clarity and incontrovertible testimony to the exhortation of every Manifestation of God that the focus of our entire lifetime should be to the progress and cultivation of our soul which is immortal and not to pandering to and pursuing the pleasures of the physical world which are brief, temporary, and of limited value. It offends all reason and common sense to discard the pearl and to cherish and delight only in the shell.

God has promised in the tenets of each of the great religions, that is to say, He has entered into an Eternal Covenant with humankind that His Grace and Blessings will never be withheld, even for an instant, from even the lowliest and that we have but to call on His Name, never forget Him in any of our dealings in life, recognize His Manifestation of Wisdom when He appears, and strive to live our lives according to the Teachings of His Messenger in order to be the eternal recipients and benefactors of this overflowing shower of limitless bounties and bestowals. We have but to be vigilant in our search, diligent in our efforts, and unflagging in our resolve to live for our soul and not sacrifice its treasures for the mundane pursuits of an ephemeral word and a frail and temporary human body.

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