Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom #1

Axiom # 1 – God Exists

Humankind did not create itself. It can procreate but it cannot create. True creation, by definition, means to bring something into existence out of nothingness. Humanity only discovers what is already there and then employs that discovery to its advantage which may be considered as creation after the fact or, more precisely, the manipulation of that which already exists. Humankind does not create anything but is, rather, creative with the knowledge it acquires. Therefore, something other than humankind created not only it, but also the universe and everything within it, whether living or inanimate, or whether visible or invisible.

God created the universe and all it contains including humankind. God exists with or without our approval. God exists despite our denial or rejection of Him. God exists even when the arbitrary actions of those who do believe in Him would lead us to wish that He did not exist or, at the very least, that they did not. God exists even when the arbitrary actions of those who profess to be His representatives would impel us to cast him, with fury and contempt, from our hearts and minds. God is independent of His creation and His existence does not depend on the action or inaction of His creatures. God can dispense with His creatures but His creatures cannot dispense with him.

God is a term constructed by humankind to identify that which created it and the universe. God is a word whose reach far exceeds its grasp. A word, though it may be perfect unto itself, is a product of a contingent world and can never hope to exceed the limitations imposed on it, and, however much it may aspire to rise to heights beyond its reach, cannot define or describe an absolute nor can it capture a single attribute of God. God is an absolute and possesses all attributes to an absolute degree which is what makes Him God. Humankind possesses all of God’s attributes but each to a limited degree which is what makes him human.

Words and descriptions are products of a contingent world in which there are no absolutes only reflections and images. We do not pay tribute to God in our language or sing praises of His attributes because this tribute or praise is capable of describing His essence but, rather, to indicate what God is not.

We do not call God All-Loving because we are capable of expressing or envisioning an absolute love but because we wish to show that He is incapable of the least degree of enmity or malice. We do not call God All-knowing because we are capable of grasping absolute knowledge but, rather, to show that He is incapable of the least degree of ignorance.

It has been said that nothing is impossible to God but this is manifestly untrue for it is impossible for him to be both God and not-God. It is impossible for God to be both All-loving and hateful. It is impossible for God to be All-knowing and ignorant. It is impossible for that which is absolute to be contained by that which is limited. It is impossible for that which is Almighty and All-powerful to be afflicted with weakness. It is impossible for that which is All-pervading and Omni-present to vacate the entire universe and to occupy and be contained by that which is limited, frail, and weak. Such a notion is preposterous, offends all logic and reason, and seeks only to create God in the image of man.
It is not for the theologian or believer to prove the existence of God. The entire universe and all of the laws to which it is subject and which it must obey stand in testimony to the existence of a Creator. It is for the atheist to explain how a creation can exist without a Creator. It is, hence, for the atheist to prove that God does not exist. To a believer all existence is proof of God whereas to an atheist non-existence is necessary to justify their disbelief.
It is possible to know of God without actually knowing God but it is impossible to know God directly since this would require that we be co-equal with Him. We know God exists because we did not create ourselves or the universe within which we live. We know God exists because of the irrefutable evidence that abounds in our universe that attests to His existence. We know God exists because all of the laws of the universe so far discovered, and all of those yet to be discovered, presuppose something greater than themselves that created them and maintains control over them. We live in a finite world in which there are no absolutes, otherwise, it would not be a finite world. God is the only Absolute, without beginning or end, without imperfections, without limitations, and Who does not make mistakes. God is not human, rather, He created humanity in His ‘Image and Likeness’ which simply means that we possess all of God’s qualities to a limited degree whereas God possesses all of His qualities to an absolute degree.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great points. The distinction between 'creator' and 'creature' is made very clearly and with good reason.
    This evokes the argument that wo/man is 'made in God's image' and therefore must be considered a co-creator, which invites the possibility of evil, because humanity creates out of ignorance; it produces an 'anti-creation' that is not in alignment with Divinity's integral purpose. It is a Divine gamble? Humanity with awareness can powerfully carry out Divinity's paradigm or create a corrupted world unto itself. That is the possibility of evil? I think we have a lot to share and discuss in truth.
