Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Garden of Eden

It is self-evident that the chronicle in the Bible of the Garden of Eden is symbolic not literal. At least an overwhelming majority of those who lived at that time were illiterate and it would be expected that the way to advance a concept or principle would be to couch it in a graphic story that those to whom it was being told could relate. The intent of the story is to offer an explanation of how humankind came to be the dominant organism on this planet as well as the only organism with the ability to distinguish between right & wrong or good & evil. One outstanding characteristic of knowledge is that it casts us forever out of the Eden of ignorance. Once you come to know something it is impossible to then return to a state of ignorance.

Adam is not an individual, rather, he is the human species at that point in its evolution when it is able to recognize that it has a Creator and is able to distinguish between right & wrong & good and evil which by its very nature casts him forever out of the Eden of ignorance.

Eve represents the emergence of those characteristics by which he is in the 'Image & likeness' of his Creator i.e. virtues, principles & lofty attributes.

Cain and Abel represent the ongoing battle of the physical against the spritual for dominance and control of the heart & mind. The 'Mark of Cain' will always be the physical cravings that derive from our body and occupy our thoughts such as the lust for power and the acquisition of wealth. The Mark of Cain is always present.

The garden of Eden story is just that - a story - meant to convey a spiritual truth and which is clothed in the garment of graphic physical illustrations that appeal to the understanding at the time that it is related.

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