Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom # 5 – Science and Religion are in perfect harmony

From the very dawn of time a battle for dominance has been waged between the spiritual and animal natures of humankind which, although partners, always seem to be engaged in conflict. In the earliest stages of its evolution, while blissfully unaware of itself as a separate and distinct entity and, while in perfect harmony with its surroundings, the human organism existed in the Eden of ignorance, unaware of the God Who created it but, nonetheless, subject to the irresistible urging of inherent qualities that were to shape and guide its progress.

When the point in time arrived that the human organism had sufficiently evolved whereby it could no longer contain, as a species, those inherent attributes that were shaping it as an instrument through which to express themselves, it succumbed to an insatiable hunger that its physical environment simply could not allay. It then partook of the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ and, in so doing, was forever cast out of the Eden of ignorance and was condemned, by virtue of the emergence of the intellect, that is to say, the appearance within it of the attributes of God, to continue its journey and evolution whilst now aware of its unique and distinct nakedness relative to its environment. So began the difficult and laborious task of extracting from nature her closely guarded secrets and of tilling the fertile soil of the human intellect. Only God possesses the power of creation but He bequeathed to humankind the power of discovery from which all his science and all his philosophy derives.

Science and religion are two halves of the same whole which is called humankind. Science without the tempering of morality and ethics degenerates into a ruthless and heartless pursuit of knowledge for its own sake without concern and with a disregard for the suffering and condition of its victims, an evil example of which was Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp where hundreds of thousands of innocent and helpless victims were subjected to experiment, torture, and death at his hands. Religion, on the other hand, without the tempering of reason and science descends into the loathsome pit of myth and superstition wherein it becomes mired in its own ignorance and perpetrates acts of cruelty and brutality in the name of God that must wring tears from His heart, an evil example of which was the Inquisition during which any person or persons who held opinions or beliefs different to those of the Inquisitors were inhumanly and brutally tortured without pity, compassion, or conscience until the victim either recanted or died.

It is not that science and religion are at odds or in conflict for they are the two poles of a single truth. It is, rather, the ignorant and misguided proponents of each of these avenues of truth that are in conflict and who are responsible for the terrible crimes that have been committed in their name.

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