Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom #2

Axiom # 2:

“Each and every person, without exception, is endowed at birth with the ability to distinguish good from evil & right from wrong; is responsible for the decisions and actions they take in the face of the religious convictions they hold dear; and are accountable for the moral imperatives by which they pursue their day to day activities and the ethical guidelines by which they tread the path to their destiny.”

It is unreasonable, flies in the face of simple logic, and is an offence to the gift of human intellect to embrace the belief that God, Who is the Fashioner of all things both visible and invisible including humankind would, on the one hand, inspire a Messenger to act on His behalf; convey to Him a Message by which His creatures are to conduct their lives; impose a set of social and spiritual laws by which those creatures are to abide under threat of punishment for their disregard; and then fail to provide, and deny in His creation of those self-same creatures, the ability to recognize His Messenger or to comprehend the essential verities of His Message.
The concept is preposterous and the embrace of such a belief is nothing more than a superstitious and mythical construction in the mind of an ill-informed and misguided victim who has failed to exercise their God-given gift of human intellect and who has been deluded into abandoning their God-given right to independently arrive at truth as a result of their own personal investigation and who, rather, has abdicated the empowering responsibility and relinquished the joy of discovery into the hands of others whose conclusions and perceptions may possibly be, and in many cases are, in conflict with the truth.

Surely the most prominent and pressing concern that should occupy the daily thought of each and every person, without exception, is the purpose, direction, and destiny for which they were created. Such a concern should pre-empt all others for it is upon this secure and indestructible foundation that all other activities are constructed and it is within this edifice that the morals, ethics, and spiritual values by which a person conducts their daily lives are housed.

It is the purpose of God’s Messenger to lay this unassailable foundation but it is the responsibility of the individual to construct the monument that is to be erected upon it. No one is free from this responsibility. No one is exempt from this duty. No one can abandon this obligation. No one can abdicate this moral necessity. No one can ignore this spiritual axiom. No one can disregard this self-evident truth. Not, that is, without also accepting the inescapable certainty of spiritual retribution the consequences of which will descend upon them whether in this world or the next.

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