Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom # 12 – Creation is not an accident but, rather, a purposeful phenomena and humankind, as its most advanced organism, is the apex of that purpose.

The arena of science holds as one of its general tenets that life is an accident of nature, that nature is a byproduct of the inherent laws of physics to which all matter is obedient and from which it cannot escape, and that all matter originated as a single lump having infinite mass, infinite density, and infinite gravity, either surrounded by infinite space in which to expand or, conversely, by creating the space into which to expand and when, in the natural order of events, the ‘Big Bang’ occurred, time began, and all matter moved away from all other matter as parts of an expanding universe in which there is no observable or detectable center.

The theories and philosophies of science, that is to say its reach, far exceeds its grasp and its theories and philosophies when pushed as far back into time as it seeks to explain fall pitifully short of their objective. Great and wondrous achievements have been accomplished by the inventive, creative, and intuitive genius of scientists the grateful benefactor of which is humankind itself with even greater bounties and wonders yet to come.

What the scientist as an individual, or science as a whole, cannot explain is from whence came the original lump of matter, who or what created it, and who or what created the laws to which it is so obedient and from which it cannot escape. Science agrees that the universe is orderly but cannot account for that order. Science discovers what is already there but is not so presumptuous as to claim credit for creating what it discovered. All our discoveries presuppose that something other than us created it and, further, that we have no means by which to encompass this Creator. As beings that have evolved out of nature we are firmly held in the grasp of all of its laws and since nature is a contingent world of which humankind is its choicest fruit it follows that we are subject to the same limitations to which all products of nature are subject and it is these very limitations that deny us from ever grasping and coming to terms with an absolute. The data that we compile attests with irrefutable certainty to the existence of God but the inherent limitations of that same data deny us the ability to grasp His essence.

It stretches the credulity of even the simplest of minds to advance the concept that all of our science, all the order of our universe and all universes beyond, and that all sentient beings, in whatever universe they exist, are nothing more than the accidental result of random chance, without any predetermined purpose, and without being part of an overall and purposeful scheme. It matters not whether the purpose or the scheme is immediately apparent to us because we cannot discard the data or deny the evidence of our own discoveries. There are no accidents in a world of cause and effect or in a world of contingency in which everything depends on everything else.

When science wishes to express an abstract concept or to explain the behaviour of invisible phenomena it constructs a model that is intended to accommodate all the known data and laws and principles and effects that are associated with the concept or phenomena. This is a very sensible and extremely useful practice that enables the scientist and researcher to maintain their focus while at the same time maintaining an overall view of the subject under their scrutiny so that they do not become lost in the jungle of detail. In the case of the ‘Big Bang Theory’, however, it would appear that the overall view was lost in the attempt to explain the details and in the process details were either ignored or overlooked as not being germane to the model. In this case the procedure would seem to be predicated on the rule that ‘if it doesn’t fit then discard it’ rather than on the practice of altering the model to accommodate all of the data.

Many scientists seem to delight in astounding their listeners by asserting that all of the matter contained in all of the solar systems and galaxies throughout the universe was at one time compacted into a singularity of mass that could fit onto the end of your finger and then they advance the theory that approximately fifteen, or even perhaps fifty, billion years ago that the laws of physics, to which all matter is obedient and from which there is no escape, compelled this ‘lump of matter’ to explode and form all of the universe and to initiate the beginning of time and space.

It is implicit in this singularity theory that all forms of life, all laws and theories of physics, all matter, time and space, can only exist after the ‘Big bang’ and within the confines of whatever derives from it. It is also implicit in this theory that none of the aforementioned can exist outside or pre-exist the ‘Big Bang’ since they are an effect and not a cause. Unfortunately, this theory accommodates only the effect and not the cause and also fails to embrace several other factors peculiar and unique to humankind alone that are not present in any other form of life or exhibited by any particle of matter or any combination thereof that has been discovered, so far, in the observable universe.

Humankind exhibits the ability for abstract reasoning and intellectual ideation out of which has evolved a highly sophisticated oral and written language found nowhere else in the animal kingdom. Humankind has evolved a detailed written history not only of itself but also of all other forms of life with which it co-exists. Humankind has evolved an elaborate social, intellectual, and emotional network of laws, ethics, and morals that operate outside and which are not intrinsic to the laws and behaviour of matter as predicted and defined by the laws and theories of science. Humankind exhibits the ability to express laughter and humour the existence of which is absent in all other forms of life or matter.

Theologians, scientists, and lay people in general have always been aware of the dichotomy of humankind expressed in its spiritual nature and its physical nature and have always recognized humankind as the crowning point and flower of God’s creation that possesses qualities and expresses attributes that are believed to survive and exist beyond the confines of the physical universe.

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