Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom # 13 – Singularity & Multiplicity, Creation & Evolution, are the expression of a single phenomena and occur when Pure Energy is transformed into matter or vice-versa:

Pure Energy, (which is just another term for God) gives birth to matter and all the phenomena associated with it, exists outside the physical universe, is infinite in expanse and possesses neither boundary nor limitation. Pure Energy ( which is just a physical term seeking to describe the indescribable and whose reach far exceeds its grasp) exists beyond space and time, is compelled by it’s very nature to give birth to matter and to precipitate the phenomena to which all matter is inextricably subject and, because Pure Energy is both infinite and creative, is the likely womb out of which an infinite quantity of separate and distinct universes have been born one of which is that in which humankind exists.

Singularity and/or Creation are the point at which Pure Energy is transformed into matter in accordance with the irresistible forces inherent in it’s nature and, Multiplicity and/or Evolution are the expanding universe whose infinite journey arises out of this particular phenomena. Einstein in his general theory of relativity predicted both the expanding universe and the Singularity from which it evolved and in his formula E=MC² stated mathematically that energy is interchangeable with matter and vice-versa. Edwin Hubble, the eminent astronomer in the early nineteen hundreds advanced the theory that the universe is expanding and that the further away a nebula was, the correspondingly greater its speed, therefore, the universe is also accelerating. Stephen Hawkings theorized that there is no singularity as a single point into which all the matter of the universe was at one time compressed but, rather, that the universe has no boundaries, has always existed, will always exist, and will continue to expand infinitely. It would seem that they are both correct even if from different vantage points and even though they are both celebrated physicists who state their theories mathematically. Edwin Hubble’s Law which states that the speed of receding Galaxies is in direct proportion to their distance would seem to imply that at some distant point in time that they should be far enough away to achieve the speed of light and according to Einstein’s formula it would be at this time that their mass would convert to energy and that the cycle of transformation initiated by the singularity of creation would be completed. The inference that may be drawn from the sum of these theories, if accurate, is that creation is a dynamic force without beginning or end and that humankind’s universe cannot and will not end. It may also be inferred that humankind’s universe is self-perpetuating, that is to say, when distant and accelerating galaxies achieve the speed of light and convert into energy that the balance of the universe is maintained by the conversion of energy into an equivalent mass of matter at some reciprocal point in the universe.

The universe, no matter how large it may appear to be is, nonetheless, an enclosed system with indeterminate boundaries within which all the laws, behaviour, and properties of matter are constrained and outside of which none of these exist. Creation and evolution are simultaneous. Time and space are properties of a physical universe but are not properties of Pure Energy. Singularity and multiplicity are extensions of each other. Relativity and quantum mechanics are specific characteristics of separate conditions that have no need of consistency with each other. It is not necessary to reconcile two different behaviours that operate under different conditions. The attempt to construct a single theory or formula that will explain all phenomena is an exercise in futility and simply panders to our inherent wish to simplify. Although it may well be true that every particle of matter influences and is influenced by every other particle of matter whether individually or in group organization and that neither time nor distance can neutralize this influence it nevertheless remains unalterable that their existence depends upon their presence within the universe and that matter that leaves the universe is annihilated and converted into pure energy essentially in the same way that a particle of matter when colliding with a particle of anti-matter results in the annihilation of both in an explosion of energy.

If it is given that all the foregoing theories are correct then it necessarily follows that we can never directly measure, detect, or occupy Pure Energy. Pure Energy is the stuff out of which universes are created and since we inhabit, are immersed in, and cannot escape an enclosed universe, we are limited to the exercise of inference and deduction by which to establish its existence. It may be possible, however, once we have uncovered and gained control over presently hidden laws of matter, to gain access to and communicate with other physical universes as yet undiscovered but whose creation and evolution mirror our own and whose matter obeys the same laws of physics that operate within our own universe.

It would be both arrogant and presumptuous of the theologian, philosopher, or scientist, in much the same way as our ancestors assumed that the earth was the center of the universe, to assume that our universe is the only ‘Big Bang’, that there was only one ‘lump of matter’ from which all phenomena has descended, and that the laws of physics acting upon all matter and which theoretically precipitated the ‘Big Bang’ miraculously appeared out of nowhere to provide dynamic impetus to what otherwise would have to be a static system held in perfect balance and which would be incapable of change. It further remains for science to explain how the ‘lump’ came to be in the first place and how, if all its forces were held in check up to the ‘Big Bang’, why it exploded. Both the ‘Lump” and the ‘Big Bang’ contradict each other and are a scientific oxymoron. The theory postulates that something that was in perfect balance suddenly had a fit. The theory also fails to account for the appearance of the lump and does nothing to explain why there may not have been an infinite number of lumps each of which would undergo the same ultimate result and produce an infinite number of expanding universes. Space is not something that exists outside the physical universe but is a characteristic of it and expands concomitantly with it, therefore, an infinite number of universes may exist without ever coming in contact with each other. Time too is a characteristic of a physical universe subject to its same laws and principles and exists only within its enclosed system however infinite that may appear to our limited perception of it. The theory of the ‘Conservation of Matter’ and the essential underlying harmony of the universe would seem to be more consistent with the data and with Einstein. It seems reasonable in an enclosed system that is in balance that when matter achieves the speed of light and is transformed into energy that there is a corresponding emergence of matter from energy somewhere within that same enclosed system. When a body dies the atoms that held its form together do not die but simply are redistributed to become part of some other form. Only the particular form is lost but the essential building blocks of that form cannot be destroyed and, in this sense, are eternal and imperishable.

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