Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom # 10 – The beauty and inherent intention of nature and all it contains is variety not uniformity.

As beauty is in the ‘eye of the beholder’ so too truth is in the ‘mind of the interpreter’ and, sad as it may be, the mind too often slumbers while truth is twisted and distorted by the vanity and arrogance of the ignorant. There is enough chaos, befuddlement, and misinformation in this world without the need to clothe what is self-evident in the garment of narrow minded delusion and self serving fantasy.

We live in a world where the generality of humankind views distinction and difference as a threat and a mark of inferiority rather than as a natural advantage that has arisen out of the need to adapt and accommodate and thereby survive amidst the surroundings in which they find themselves.

Why would a gardener, on the one hand, tend with loving care and an appreciative eye, a dazzling display of multi-coloured floral beauty in which each colour, hue, and tint by its very contrast enhances and lends charm to every other colour, hue, and tint and then, on the other hand, with brutal indifference to the rights and suffering of his victims, persecute, torture, and even murder someone for no other reason than that they are of a different colour, come from a different country, speak a different language, or pursue a different philosophy, and in so doing completely disregard the self-evident reality that it is these very differences that bring beauty and attraction to society?

When an expression is composed of a contradiction of terms it is called an oxymoron and when humans act with such a contradiction of behaviour they display the mind of an ‘ox’ and the reasoning of a ‘moron’.

Differences in colour, language, culture, perception, and thought are more often than not the direct effect of geographic location, geologic environment, and genetic adaptation and have absolutely nothing to do with the skills, attributes, or intelligence of the species in question. Talent and ability are distributed relatively evenly across the face of the planet without regard to geography, gender, culture, or heritage and only the most obstinately perverse and blindly intransigent of mind would seek to advance the view that human differences are anything but a basis for beauty or fail to recognize the empirical reality that because we are the product of a contingent world that we can only gain knowledge and perceive beauty through the process of comparison and contrast. Variety, with which the world is replete, is the intrinsic mechanism of nature by which we are enabled to know what we know and without which we would continue to be trapped in the Eden of ignorance.

Inherent in the world of nature and intrinsic to each and every one of its component parts is the irresistible and unalterable compulsion to create ever more complex and sophisticated forms and to act in consort with other simple components in the pursuit of this task regardless of the direction taken or the shape that arises therefrom. Experiment is the touchstone of nature and variety is the fruit of this process and the moment that any force is brought to bear, the end result of which is to arrest this process, then termination and decomposition of its constituent elements to their original simplicity and the death of that particular shape and form must inevitably ensue. In nature uniformity equates with death and variety equates with life and even in the tiniest of its particles can be found differences and distinctions, however minute, that attest to this universal axiom.


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