Thursday, October 29, 2009

Axiom # 11 – Death is an illusion

In scientific circles everywhere across the planet the universal principle of the indestructibility of matter is held as a fundamental axiom of science. It is only the shape or form that has arisen out of the composition of its constituent elements that dies, but the constituent elements themselves, are unaffected and simply recombine to construct some new shape or form.

If all the vegetation and living organisms that ever existed and died on this planet were to be gathered into a single mass it would be many times greater than the existing mass of planet earth today. If, therefore, when an organism or plant dies its constituent elements also died and did not live on in some other form then it necessarily follows that planet earth would have disappeared as well, many aeons ago, through the loss of all of its matter. It is self-evident, therefore, that matter is indestructible and cannot die but simply recombines to form new shapes and new complex organisms.

Humankind is the most complex organism in nature and is its crowning point and yet, humankind possesses qualities not found elsewhere in nature. How is it possible for nature to give birth to a creation that possesses qualities of which nature itself is bereft? The resolution to this perplexity is also self-evident and is previously advanced in the Axiom # 6 on Dichotomy. Only the physical body is born and arises out of nature whereas the soul, that is not composed of elements, that is eternal and indestructible, and that is destined to traverse all the worlds of God, simply moves on to another world and another dimension where it continues on in the same state and condition in which it departed from this world. Death is an illusion and is better described as the birth into another world and freedom from the fetters of this one.

An analogy that readily portrays this concept compares the birth from this world into the next with the birth of the fetus within the mother’s womb into this world. During its nine month sojourn from a single cell to a fully developed fetus ready to depart the protective world of the womb it was obliged to develop all the organs and limbs necessary to a successful and healthy life in the world in which it was to be born. If, as a fetus, it had decided, with a perverse and intransigent laziness of mind, that it could not be bothered, and was just too comfortable, to expend the time and energy forming eyes or ears or legs or arms or all of these then it would enter the next world severely crippled with its ability to express its inherent talents permanently handicapped. It would live through this world but in the same state and condition in which it left its previous world, but, and this is the hub of this concept, it would never be able to return and correct its errors. Each world allows us the opportunity to develop those tools necessary to our existence in the next world but once we have left this world that opportunity is gone forever. If we have been diligent and sincere, and have patterned and pursued our lives in accordance with the spiritual blueprint spread before us by those Universal Educators, Who appear among us every thousand years or so, and in the wake of which arise the Great World Religions and out of which arise those saintly teachers in virtually every decade who aid in carrying forward an ever-advancing civilization, then we shall have been true to our destiny and upon our birth into the next world will find ourselves happy, healthy, and adequately equipped to advance without impediment through its various pathways.

On the other hand, if, with a perversity and intransigence of mind, we reject, ignore, and neglect the spiritual body and deploy all of our resources to pander to and favour our physical cravings and demands so that we descend into the abode of the beast wherein corruption, cruelty, greed, and bestiality abound and, in this condition are, without warning or ceremony, cast from this world into the next we shall throughout its duration wail and bemoan our plight for we shall have lost the physical body that we so carefully indulged and shall be left only with a deformed and decrepit spirit thrashing to and fro in brambles of its own making. Nor can we, in order to escape this frightful circumstance, deliberately terminate our existence in this world in an effort to arrive unscathed in the next since this too would leave us crippled and handicapped for we would not have developed those qualities necessary to our new existence which can only be developed in the previous world. There is no escape and there are no shortcuts. The only safe passage into the next world is through obedience to God’s plan for us and this can only be known through the Teachings of those Peerless Emissaries Who appear on His behalf and Whose sacred Writings guide and instruct us according to His Word.

Death is an illusion of the physical world and is nothing more than the reduction of the complex to the simple in the case of the physical components and the transfer from one garden to another in the case of the spirit. Nothing really dies and nothing is ever static. There exists only the dynamics of change either from one state to another or from one dimension to another.

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